4 days yoga and permaculture retreat in tiny house.
We invite you to discover how you can be more selfsufficient in your life. In this retreat
we will share with you how to grow food in your own garden in a natural way.
What it will include ?
Hatha/yin yoga courses
1 ayurvedic massage
3 daily meals
Organic vegetarian food
3 nights accommodation
1 permaculture course
Medicinal herbs course ( making your own herbal tea)
Creative painting workshop
In an eco stay, in a beautiful independent the tiny house in sunny algarve countryside.You will stay in a tiny house in the heart of a beautiful garden with flowers, trees and a little pond. You will practice yoga in a yurt. There are free chickens on the grounds, as well as cats who can come during yoga practice. The farm provide organic eggs, vegetables and fruit from the fresh organic garden.
The program:
How to manage the water in your garden?
How to grow vegetables?
All about soil.
what is a forest garden?
How to take care of trees?
How to be more self sufficient?
How to grow your food in a little space?
What kind of green house to build?
How to grow medicinal herbs and flowers?
How to apply zero waste in our life.
How to adapt your culture in a hot climate?
How are us?
We are twin sister trying to grow a peaceful place where you can heal your heart. We give to you our tools to heal yourself from the stress of the actual world.You will praxctice yoga and connect to the nature around you. You will experiment living in harmony with nature.
07:30 Morning yoga
09:00 Breakfast
13:00 Lunch
14.00-16:00 permaculture course
19:30 Dinner
Price: 650 euros 1 p.
Couple or friends: 1100 euros
To book please contact me in: casajasminpt@gmail.com